30-Day Challenge – Reformer

Intermediate Level

Transform your body, mind and life with Joseph Pilates’ promise: “In 10 sessions you’ll feel the difference, in 20 sessions you’ll see the difference and in 30 sessions, you’ll have a whole new body.

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Day 11: Decompress Your Spine Class 5 of 5 – Reformer Workout (39 Mins)

30-Day Challenge - Reformer

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30-Day Challenge – Reformer

30-Day Challenge - Reformer

For the complete program

Shari Berkowitz’s series on unloading your spine continues, this time on the Reformer. Follow her cues and you’ll learn how to decompress your vertebrae throughout all of the classical sequence. Shari’s cues will create a whole new feeling in your body and subtle, yet profound changes to your inner suspension system. Visit Shari at The Vertical Workshop.

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Shari Berkowitz

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Equipment Needed
  • Reformer
Workout Resources

Shari Berkowitz’s series on unloading your spine continues, this time on the Reformer. Follow her cues and you’ll learn how to decompress your vertebrae throughout all of the classical sequence. Shari’s cues will create a whole new feeling in your body and subtle, yet profound changes to your inner suspension system. Visit Shari at The Vertical Workshop.

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30-Day Challenge – Reformer

31 Videos

