Beginner to Intermediate Mat Progression

Observe & Learn

Are you ready to level up? If you’re looking to take your Pilates journey from beginner to intermediate level, this progressive series is for you! Alisa starts the series focusing on the fundamentals. From there, each class adds new exercises and skills on top of what you’ve already learned. By the final class you’ll be able to do it all without breaks and stay focused on the details you’ve build throughout. This is a great place to start your Pilates journey or to come back to if you’ve been away from your practice.





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What is Neutral Pelvis or Neutral Spine?

Beginner to Intermediate Pilates Mat Progression

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Beginner to Intermediate Mat Progression

Beginner to Intermediate Pilates Mat Progression

For the complete program

If you’re confused about what your pelvis and lower back should be doing in Pilates you’re not alone! Join Alisa for 4 tips to help clear things up so you know what to parts to stabilize when you're doing Pilates. Do you have more questions? Check out our collection of videos for tips and troubleshooting: HERE

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Alisa Wyatt

Video Time


Equipment Needed
  • Mat

If you’re confused about what your pelvis and lower back should be doing in Pilates you’re not alone! Join Alisa for 4 tips to help clear things up so you know what to parts to stabilize when you're doing Pilates. Do you have more questions? Check out our collection of videos for tips and troubleshooting: HERE

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