O seu atleta interior
Nível intermédio
Descubra o que o derradeiro método de treino cruzado pode fazer pelo seu desempenho com Your Inner Athlete. Cada treino desta série de 9 aulas Pilates visa um componente diferente da capacidade atlética. Irá notar uma diferença imediata na forma como se move e, à medida que avança na série, os resultados continuam a aumentar. Prepare-se para voar!
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O seu atleta interior
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Já tem uma conta?
Awaken your inner athlete while reducing pain and injury with the ultimate cross-training method, Pilates. Each workout in this 9 class series targets one component of athletic ability and then brings it all together for full body integration. You’ll discover which layers of athleticism you need more of including: stability, mobility, agility, rotation, core engagement, transfer of power and push/pull. The majority of the series uses no equipment, one class a magic circle and another a long pole (a broom works). You’ll also get a bonus Reformer workout and a Full Studio Workout. This series is for all-levels of Pilates fans eager to dig deeper while honing your listening ability, coordination, and willingness to work hard for amazing results.
Nesta série, irá:
– train different aspects of athleticism
– go beyond your limits with super-challenging workouts
– hone your listening ability
– awaken your inner athlete
Visit Nicole at Core Love Culture in Philadelphia and follow her on Instagram @coreloveculture.