Pre-Pilates Progression

Observe & Learn

Join Alisa Wyatt in a Pre-Pilates Progressive Series that is designed to rebuild your core while teaching you the fundamentals of Pilates. This series is also perfect for anyone who needs to keep their spine straight due to osteoporosis, back injury or surgery. Please repeat any class in the series as often as you like.

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Why Can’t I Do The Roll Up, Teaser, Neck Pull?

PrePilates workout program for beginners

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Pre-Pilates Progression

PrePilates workout program for beginners

For the complete program

If you’re having a hard time with exercises like Roll Up, Teaser and Neck Pull we have tips for you! Alisa shows you what's going wrong if you can't keep your feet on the floor in Roll Up or Neck Pull, can't get up at all without using your hands in Teaser and much more. Practice along with her to get a deeper understanding of what's happening in your body and how to fix it. Do you have more questions? Check out our collection of videos for tips and troubleshooting: HERE

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Alisa Wyatt

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Equipment Needed
  • Mat

If you’re having a hard time with exercises like Roll Up, Teaser and Neck Pull we have tips for you! Alisa shows you what's going wrong if you can't keep your feet on the floor in Roll Up or Neck Pull, can't get up at all without using your hands in Teaser and much more. Practice along with her to get a deeper understanding of what's happening in your body and how to fix it. Do you have more questions? Check out our collection of videos for tips and troubleshooting: HERE

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