Progressive Push Up Bars Series
Intermediate Level
Want to add some fun, strength and lift to your workouts? The Progressive Push Up Bars Series is for you! Elaine Ewing leads you through progressive series that takes you from basics to advanced moves using the Push Up bars in fresh new ways that will delight you!
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Progressive Push Up Bars Series
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The Pilates Push Up Bars are an often neglected tool in the studio but they shouldn’t be! In this progressive 5 workout series, Elaine Ewing will make you feel like a superhero for all the fun tricks you can actually do. In her Pilates-based series, you’ll start with basic movements and build all the way to some complicated advanced moves that come from various exercises throughout the studio. Feel free to repeat workouts as needed or add these sessions to the end or beginning of your regular workouts. NOTE: you’ll want to wear socks to slide on the floor for all of these workouts and have a couple of sticky pads handy as well. Fun fact: The darker set of bars in this series belonged to Joseph Pilates! You can purchase your own at Gratz Pilates. Visit Elaine at Rhinebeck Pilates.
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