Pilates in A Chair

Pre-Pilates Level

If getting down on the floor to workout is hard for you, join Alisa Wyatt for our Pilates in a Chair Series! You’ll strengthen your core, relax tension in your body and work your legs and balance too. Each daily class builds on the last and you can repeat a class as many times as you need to before moving to the next class. The only equipment needed is a chair and a hand towel. Join Alisa and get ready to feel fantastic!

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Pilates in a Chair – Class 6 of 6 (24 Mins)

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Pilates Workouts in a Chair

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Pilates in A Chair

Pilates Workouts in a Chair

For the complete program

By the end of this 6th class of Pilates in a Chair with Alisa Wyatt, you’ll be standing straighter! Today’s class works on flexibility in your hips, shoulders, neck, spine, hands, and ankles.  Your neuromuscular system will be challenged and you may feel more alert. This is a lifetime practice which can be revisited at any time! These exercises are also great for times when you’re stuck in a chair for a long period. If you’re feeling ready for what’s next, try our Pre-Pilates series or continue repeating your favorite classes in the chair. Filmed at Pilatesology Studio.


Alisa Wyatt

Equipment Needed
  • Mat
Workout Tempo



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