Pilates in A Chair

Pre-Pilates Level

If getting down on the floor to workout is hard for you, join Alisa Wyatt for our Pilates in a Chair Series! You’ll strengthen your core, relax tension in your body and work your legs and balance too. Each daily class builds on the last and you can repeat a class as many times as you need to before moving to the next class. The only equipment needed is a chair and a hand towel. Join Alisa and get ready to feel fantastic!

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Pilates in a Chair – Class 5 of 6 (19 Mins)

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Pilates Workouts in a Chair

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Pilates in A Chair

Pilates Workouts in a Chair

For the complete program

By this fifth class in our Pilates in a Chair series, you’ll notice that these moves are a full body workout! Alisa Wyatt adds an arm toning series to compliment the strength you’re gaining in your seat and core. Your hands will be stronger and you may feel an improvement in arthritis pain with continued practice. For today’s class you’ll need two soup cans or water bottles of the same weight in addition to your chair and towel. Filmed at Pilatesology Studio.

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Alisa Wyatt

Equipment Needed
  • Mat
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