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Espresso Mat

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This mat is just like a shot of espresso, it’ll wake you up! In a quick 20 minutes, Miguel serves up a killer workout without making you late. Do it and you’re guaranteed a better day. Filmed at Miguel’s teacher training center The Lab, in Algarve, Portugal, visit him at Uno Pilates.

3 Answers

That was better than coffee! Thanks Miguel, Anja and Alex for bringing me back to the Lab even if it was only 12 minutes. xoxo


I cheated and did this mat a week early yesterday because I was short on time and it was awesome!! Thanks for the sore abs today 😜 Miguel! xoxo

Miguel Silva Miguel Silva Topic starter 29/04/2020 6:12 am

Yessss!!! Thats a good sign!! 😉 xx

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You are welcome!! 🙃 😀 🤗