What’s The Scoop

Pre-Pilates Level

Wondering if you’re getting right connection to your abs in Pilates? This series demystifies the concept of the abdominal ‘scoop’ and wakes up sleepy muscles you might not be feeling. No equipment is needed, just you and your mat!

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Pre-Pilates Program with Nicole Smith

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What’s The Scoop

Pre-Pilates Program with Nicole Smith

For the complete program

Wondering if you’re getting the scoop right in Pilates? This series is designed to demystify this concept while waking up sleepy muscles you might not be feeling. Nicole Smith discovered the depth of this work when she injured her hip and it changed her body and movement completely.

In this series you will:

– learn breakdowns to strengthen your core

– demystify the scoop concept in Pilates

– turn on ab muscles that aren’t working

You’re on the way to a great scoop! Visit Nicole at CoreLoveCulture in Philadelphia, PA and follow her on Instagram @coreloveculture.


Nicole Smith

Equipment Needed
  • Mat


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