Gaia Faggiani

Pilatesology Teacher Gaia Faggiani

Gaia is the Director & Owner of  Gaia Pilates Roma  in Rome Italy. She started her interest in body movement as a child, moving from Classic Ballet to Modern Dance, through Callanetics, Shiatsu, Tai-Chi, Gyrotonic, and finally approaching Pilates with 1st generation teachers such as Romana Kryzanowska & Jay Grimes. In 2006 Gaia was certified by Romana Kryzanowska in New York City. In 2013 Gaia completed for the intensive program led by Jay Grimes “The Work” at  Vintage Pilates in Los Angeles. Over the years Gaia has continued to attend workshops and training courses around the world with the most highly respected classical Pilates teachers.

Gaia dirige lo Studio “Gaia Pilates Roma”, ha sempre costantemente intrapreso discipline inerenti al movimento sin da piccola, frequentando l’ Accademia Nazionale di Danza a Roma, e il  “Royal Ballet” di Londra, passando per Danza  Moderna e Jazz,  lo Joga, il Tai-Chi, Callanetics,  Gyrotonic,  Shiatsu, infine approda al Pilates certificandosi presso il Centro di Formazione “Romana’s Pilates” di New York di Romana Kryzanowska. Nel  2014 Gaia aderisce e si diploma al programma “The Work” a Los Angeles. Nel  corso degli anni Gaia ha metodicamente ed assiduamente continuato a frequentare workshops, laboratori e corsi di aggiornamento in giro per il mondo, con i massimi esponenti e rappresentanti nel mondo del Pilates. Visit Gaia at her studio in Rome, Gaia Pilates Roma. and follow her on Instagram @gaiapilatesroma


Gaia's Classes