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Deep Core Strength

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Get ready to find strength in your body that you didn't know existed! Michael's unique approach towards the classical moves you already know will return a spark to your workout while revealing more about your own body. It's crazy hard work but he moves at a slow pace to allow you to absorb his tips for customizing your workout to get just what you need. A strap to anchor your feet is essential to this lesson - if you're working out at home with a yoga mat, use the bottom of a heavy piece of furniture to help you access strength deep in your core and find an important pelvic stretch. Filmed at Alycea Ungaro’s Real Pilates™, New York, NY.


28 Answers
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Thanks Joesmat really appreciate your observations. Take care. MJ


Agree that it is great to have Micheal Johnson back on Pilatesology. His insights are appreciated....more, please!

Avatar Martin 19/07/2016 7:22 pm

Mary, your work looked great in this video!


Great stuff! Challenging but enjoyable in that "Pilates enjoyable" way.

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 26/07/2016 12:07 pm

Thanks so much!


Brilliant break down of the exercises. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 26/07/2016 12:07 pm

Joel thanks for watching


Fabulous! Thank you!!

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 28/07/2016 8:36 am



What a super class!!!

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 08/08/2016 3:40 pm

Big thanks


Thank you! So great to challenge the body as an advanced teacher yet remain within the original method. I shall come back!

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 08/08/2016 3:39 pm

I am glad you liked it


This was excellent cuing! Thanks a bunch! One of the many things I will take away from this class:'I don't do the advanced work so often, it is the basics that make you strong ...'

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 08/08/2016 3:39 pm

Thanks for taking the time to reply


I enjoyed your class very much and appreciate your excellent explanation and cues for each exercise helping the viewer/practicioner to understand the exercise and its goal. I learned a lot today.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge and I hope you will be making more videos.

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 21/08/2016 9:28 am

I am happy you enjoyed my class


You´re back!!!! Wonderfull class... Awsome explanations, cues, tactile.... Thanks for sharing... I liked very much!!! One of my favorite class!
Waiting already for the up coming classes....

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 26/08/2016 5:43 pm

Many thanks!


Love it. Your teaching really connects to the way I was trained. Really enjoy your teaching. Thank you for all your cues, analogies and linking of the poses!!!
Again Thank you!!!!!

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 19/09/2016 2:05 pm

Tracy thanks for watching


Thank you Michael. Love your clarity and reminders to really use the legs. I can feel the athleticism so much more with your cues.

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 23/02/2017 10:24 am

Great use your entire self



Powerful and fundamental! A great exercise in humility- thank you!!


Thank you! This would be great for week 1! Good cues!

Michael Johnson Michael Johnson Topic starter 27/04/2020 11:32 am

Thanks for commenting sorry for the delay


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