A Pilates trend we can get into
Over the last few years we’ve noticed that more and more teachers are interested in going back to the roots of the method. And in response, there are loads of fantastic and welcoming events featuring traditional Pilates popping up everywhere.
Here’s a couple of examples of this trend, tell us about events you’re looking forward to or experiences you’ve had in the comments below!
August 2015 Teaching Exchange at Pilates on 66
Q: What’s a ‘Teaching Exchange’?
A: At Pilates on 66 we have been fostering a community of Pilates Professionals by hosting gatherings as networking and professional development opportunities open to teachers from all backgrounds. Creating community allows us to spend time with people who are like-minded and share our mission to take the Pilates industry to the next level.
This year’s Teaching Exchange begins with a 2 hour workshop. After each workshop we will have the chance to put what we have learned directly into play as we exchange lessons with another teacher. Teaching exchange lessons will be paired ahead of time.
We’re honored that fellow Pilatesology contributors, Michael Johnson, Sandy Shimoda and Seran Glanfield will be joining us. Our goal is to provide an opportunity for teachers to refine teaching skills and challenge their teaching ability.
WHEN: 12-5pm, August 24th – 27th, 2015
WHERE: Pilates on 66; 50 E. 66th St. Std A, New York, NY 10065
COST: 4-days $450, 2-days $300 and 1-day $200. From 12pm-5pm daily, cost includes the workshop, exchange and closing remarks of the presenter.
REGISTER: Please email: Contact@Pilateson66.com
Vintage Pilates’ Teacher’s Clubhouse
On the West Coast, there’s Vintage Pilates’ ‘Teachers Clubhouse’ which is an open workout and forum in which instructors from any Pilates background can learn and share. We’ve filmed many of these for Pilatesology, here’s one to check out:
Teachers Clubhouse 8—Addressing Individual Needs on the Cadillac with Sandy Shimoda
Each session begins with a 45 minute workout led the way Joe Pilates ran his own studio, everyone does their own workout while a teacher goes around offering help. Afterward, the group gathers and discusses a teaching concept to practice together.
Do you have a dream workshop you’d like to attend? Share it in the comments below!
From the Community