Rebecca Sirkel
Rebecca Sirkel is a Pilates and Feet-ness instructor with over 20 years of experience in the mind/body industry, including Personal Training, Yoga, and Pilates. Rebecca loves to teach athletes and individuals that want to learn how to enhance their sport and movement practice. She specializes in postural alignment and correction of muscular imbalances. She teaches fitness as a way of life to give you a solid foundation to move with ease and grace.
Accomplishments •Degree in Exercise Science from Arizona State University 2002 •Power Pilates Comprehensive Certification 2006 •Pilates Method Alliance Certification 2011 •Teacher Trainer for Power Pilates 2012-2019 •Plant-Based Nutrition Certification from eCornell 2014 •Feet-ness certified in 2020 •Pilates Professional Advanced Teacher Training program with Kathi Ross-Nash 2022