รำลึกถึงเอ็ดวินา ฟองเทน (1928 – 24 พฤศจิกายน 2014)

เอ็ดวิน่า ฟอนเทน

On November 24th, 2014 we lost another legend of Pilates: Edwina Seaver Fontaine. Her statuesque presence was familiar to any student of Pilates who worked out or apprenticed at True Pilates (formerly Drago’s Gym). At 85 years old, Edwina was still teaching Pilates up until about 8 months before her death. Having taught Pilates alongside Romana Kryzanowska…


ซินเทีย ชิปลีย์

Pilates ครู

Cynthia Shipley is a Romana’s Pilates Level II Instructor trainer and a former dancer. Cynthia began her dance career with The Baltimore Dance Theatre. Soon after, Cynthia attended The Dance Theatre of Harlem School and performed with the student company, The Workshop Ensemble. After graduation, Cynthia became a member of The Dance Theatre of Harlem Company,…
