Postnatal Pilates Series

Intermediate Level

Ready to get your body back after pregnancy? This workout series designed to start with the day your doctor releases you to workout (around 6 weeks). There’s no equipment needed and Molly offers modifications for common issues like Diastasis Recti, lack of feeling in the lower abs, pelvic floor weakness, prolapsed uterus, peeing when you sneeze, postpartum depression, numbness due to C-section, breast tenderness and mastitis.

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PostNatal Series Class 8 or 8 (24 min)

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Postnatal Pilates Series

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Postnatal Pilates Series

Postnatal Pilates Series

For the complete program

You’ve made it to the last class in Molly Niles Renshaw’s Postnatal Pilates Series, congrats! You have made amazing progress in getting here and this class adds even more challenge to bring you back to feeling in your body. Know that your hormones and tissues take a year to return to normal so be patient with the continuing process – your workouts are the best self-love you can practice. Wondering where to go next? This series will continue to build on what you’ve accomplished. If you’re feeling like you want more TLC, try our PrePilates series instead. Find Molly in Santa Monica at Phoenix Classical Pilates and follow her on Instagram @phoenixsantamonica. Filmed at Pilatesology Studio.

Equipment Needed
  • Mat
Workout Tempo



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