Cardio Pilates

Intermediate Level

Join Carrie Russo in this heart pounding series that will burn fat, create better balance, build lean muscle mass and improve your agility.

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Cardio Pilates Class 4 of 6 (17 Min)

Cardio Pilates Program with Carrie Russo

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Cardio Pilates

Cardio Pilates Program with Carrie Russo

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Crank it up another notch with the fourth class in Carrie Russo’s cardio series! Your squat to stand should be feeling a bit stronger by now as well as your endurance. If your abs and butt have been sore you’ll get another boost with this session, don’t forget to repeat any classes in the series before moving to the next and smile while you enjoy the burn. Visit Carrie in Los Angeles at Russo Pilates. Filmed at Pilatesology Studio.

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Carrie Russo

Workout Tempo


Equipment Needed
  • Mat with Arm or Leg Weights

Crank it up another notch with the fourth class in Carrie Russo’s cardio series! Your squat to stand should be feeling a bit stronger by now as well as your endurance. If your abs and butt have been sore you’ll get another boost with this session, don’t forget to repeat any classes in the series before moving to the next and smile while you enjoy the burn. Visit Carrie in Los Angeles at Russo Pilates. Filmed at Pilatesology Studio.

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